Richness and Poverty are both the product of mind. The way you set you mind, the way you it produces. Most of people are blaming themselv...
Richness and Poverty are both the product of mind. The way you set you mind, the way you it produces.
Most of people are blaming themselves today due to how they set their mind previous. For example now days in social networks people likes much gossip than developmental articles. People like articles such as phonograph, gossip and other articles which are wastage of time and resources.
At the same time people are complaining that there is no employment. You have your own employment factor which is time, use it wisely while reading developmental articles to build your future.
Rich people use their time properly to make sure they produce as much as they can. They don't even sleep much because they are always think on how they can improve their business and projects. They always have positive attitude toward their work.
Poor people do waste their time particularly on social networks unproductively. They like to over sleep and they don't think about their future life. They like gossip articles, roaming around the street without any reason. Always think negatively about their life. They are not creative as life and richness needs creativity to take over others.
Stop wasting your time to the net unproductively, use your time wisely while preparing your future.